We are absolutely delighted to share the news that ARC Adoption North East has been rated 'outstanding' in a recent Ofsted inspection, which took place in December 2022.

It is now the second, consecutive time that our agency has been judged as 'outstanding' in all categories listed within the inspection. The whole team is absolutely thrilled that Ofsted viewed our services to families and children as ‘exceptional,’ which is testament to the hard work of everyone involved, and the dedication to the important work we do at ARC Adoption with our amazing families.

We'd also like to take the opportunity to offer our sincere thanks to the parents who gave up their time to speak with the inspectors, sharing their experience of adopting with our support, and answering questions, as well as to the young people who came into the office to tell the inspectors about our Children and Young People's Group. Your feedback and kind words really do mean so much to us all here at ARC Adoption.

Below are just some things highlighted within the report from the inspectors:

  • The service that the agency provides to families is exceptional and supports stability for families
  • A significant strength of the agency is the quality of training provided to all adopters, helping them to develop knowledge and skills, and meet the changing needs of children
  • Adopters are well prepared for challenges. Preparation work, assessment, training and post adoption support all support the continued nurture and care that adopters provide to children, which aids the exceptional progress that children make
  • There is a vast range of bespoke support available, such as therapeutic services, including the input of a clinical psychologist and a range of support groups
  • Early and well considered matching of children to their prospective families is efficient and effective, and the agency has exceptional working relationships with children’s placing local authorities
  • Innovative work that the agency developed around life story work, in a digital platform, has been recognised as unique and worthy of wider sharing
  • The agency works effectively with a range of health, social care and education professionals - key to the success that the agency achieves for children and their families
  • The agency greatly values the input of children to help develop the service
  • The agency has a strong safeguarding culture that is evidenced throughout daily practice
  • The agency strongly promotes equality and diversity

If you’d like to read the Ofsted report in full, please click here.

If you are interested in adoption and would benefit from speaking to a member of our team to find out more about it as well as to discuss your individual circumstances, we’d love to talk to you. Please reach out to us here.