We’ve partnered up with Adopt Coast to Coast on our ‘Better off Together’ campaign which is highlighting the need to keep brothers and sisters together, maintaining important relationships. Children who are part of brother and sister groups wait on average 11 months longer than single children to be placed with their forever family. To help prospective adopters better understand the needs of some of the looked-after children within the North East and Cumbria, here we meet siblings Ryan (four) and Alex (two).

Meet Ryan (four)

Ryan is the eldest of the brothers at four years old, and he has auburn hair, beautiful brown eyes and a lovely smile.

Ryan is a sociable little boy who loves to be out and about and greeting people. He likes playing with toys that light up and he’s a big fan of any toys that make a noise or play a song. Ryan also likes to play with cars and Lego.  Alongside his brother Alex (two) he likes active rough and tumble play.

One of his favourite things to do is to take trips out to the park and he enjoys the swings, merry-go-around and slides. He also likes going to a local nursery three mornings a week.

Ryan is a good eater and enjoys mealtimes and food.  He enjoys most foods such as curry, rice and naan bread. One of his favourite meals is Sunday Dinner, and he is especially fond of the Yorkshire puddings, potatoes and broccoli. He also enjoys pasta and lasagne with garlic bread.

Foster carers say that Ryan likes affection from them and loves to snuggle in with them for a cuddle.

 Meet Alex (two)

The youngest brother, Alex is two years old, has blonde hair and lovely blue eyes.  He’s described as a beautiful little boy with a lovely smile.

Alex is an active two-year-old boy who enjoys building things out of Lego and playing with cartoon character toys. His foster carers state that “he is a lovely little boy to care for and a pleasure to spend time with.”

This cute little boy is developing his own little character and he is generally a very smiley and happy boy. Alex and his older brother Ryan will play with toys together and they have a close relationship.

Alex likes to go to the park and being outside with his brother.

Alex is a good eater and likes most foods offered to him, and like his brother, his favourite is Sunday Dinner!

 The background

These young brothers have been in foster carer for a year due to issues of neglect, domestic violence and parental misuse of drugs and alcohol.

Both children are meeting all of their developmental milestones and there are no concerns regarding their development at this time.

If you think you could provide a safe and loving home for children like Ryan and Alex please complete our enquiry form by clicking here.

*Please note that names and images have been changed for safeguarding reasons.